Firstly, huge thanks are in order for the steadily mounting readership of this blog. I am loving the wonderful comments and feedback from readers, especially from my friends on my LinkedIn author page. I just finished reading Keigo Higashino's Malice . And I am still in awe. And the book is also the inspiration behind my blog this week. The book is about an author Hidaka who gets killed in his study in Japan a couple of days before he is ready to migrate to Canada with his second wife Rie, the first having died some years back in a car accident. Shortly before his death that evening, the author was visited by his friend from middle school, Nonoguchi, who happens to be an author of children's fiction, and the sister of another friend of theirs, Masaya, from the same school on whose not-so-glorious life Hidaka's last book was based. The sister has been demanding an apology and a complete re-write of the book, removing all references to the family. The detective Kaga
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