Rajorshi Patranabis' collection of poems "The Crossover: Love Beyond Eternity" published by Biva Publication is a collection of poems with a difference. All the poems in this collection are about love that's eternal and immortal. They are about love that transcends borders of time, of life and of death. Rajorshi writes about love that cannot be confined within space and time, it flows unhindered and stays in the hearts and souls of lovers even as they cross over to other worlds, to other times. In the poem "Happily Ever After" Rajorshi says: Devoid of our bodies and just our souls Warrants never to hide in holes... We would flow in the wind and sun, Just you and me, in sorrow and fun... The same idea finds voice in his poem "The Crossover" where thus laments a lover- Your hands so easily, slipped over, With tears in my eyes, You managed to Crossover. The lover goes on to spend his days and nights in the chasm of gr...
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